Lemons are a loaded with Vitamin C and powerful antioxidant. When you're trying to get your health back on track, there are many ways to detox your way to feeling better. Antioxidants are known to remove toxins from the body, which is why lemon water is such a good aid in weight loss. So not only does it taste delicious but it also has added benefits.

It's a refreshing way to supercharge your water and reap the amazing health benefits. Lemon water makes for a powerful detox drink, and lemon juice helps to cleanse and alkalize the body. Cucumbers contain anti-inflammatory properties and vitamins. Adding a few slices of cucumber to your water makes for excellent re-hydration.
- Aids in Digestion
- Alkalizes the Body
- Clear Skin
- Boosts Energy Levels
- Promotes Healing
How To Make Lemon Cucumber Water
- 48 oz water
- 2 medium cucumbers
- 2 lemons
- 10-15 mint leaves
- Steep overnight in firdge and drink 16oz 4x daily
It tastes so good, and it's so good for you. Lemon cucumber water also great for general detox including clear skin.