Homemade Face Mask for Dry Skin

Dry skin can present itself with itch, irritation and rough skin. The benefits of making your own face masks are avoiding chemical ingredients, plus many masks can be made for pennies with ingredients that you have in the kitchen.

When you’ve got dry skin, problems tend to pop up. Your makeup won’t sit right, your skin gets irritated easily and you’re constantly on the hunt for a product that will just make your skin anything but dry.

Face Mask for Dry Skin

Face Mask for Dry Skin

The face is one of the most visible parts of our bodies, so when facial skin begins exhibiting these signs of dryness, it is important to bring moisture back to the skin. Ingredients that, for the most part, you already have in your home can be used to create a mask that will refresh your facial skin. So here are some homemade face masks for dry skin.

Natural Face Mask Avocado, Lemon Juice and Egg white for Dry Skin

  • Combine all ingredients to make a paste, apply to skin and wait for it to dry, rinse with cool water

Natural Banana Face Mask For Dry Skin

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tsp. of sweet almond oil (you can substitute it with coconut oil or olive oil)
  • 1 ripe mashed banana
  • Mix together the mashed banana, egg yolk and 2 tsp. of almond oil
  • Apply to your face and let it set for abut 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse off using tepid water and splash with cold water

This mask has a lot of moisturizing and replenishing benefits, which makes it ideal for dry skin! Draws out impurities and leave skin glowing. You can also keep this in your fridge for up to a week! Try these masks and let us know what you think